Sunday, October 26, 2008


Well here it goes; The first of what may be many blogs of pointless thoughts that rack my brain and have no room to fester anymore.
I spoke to an old friend today and she shed light on a topic that has bothered me for some time. She told me she is the one in the crowd with the 8 year old cell phone, and she has no intentions of fixing what "aint" broken.
This is where my mind wanders to a simple time not long ago:
Phones used to be 29.99 a month for a plan that included 20 minutes of talk time and "free voicemail" and "free caller ID"
no texts... no ringtones.. no wall paper.. no extended memory space... no google earth.. no unlimited internet.. and navigation..
I think you get the point.
We used phones for emergency calls and the occasional cheeseball attempt to look cool. Which by the way, 50 percent of the time, worked all the time. Lines at the store were safe, nights at the movies uninterupted, car rides quiet.
Now in 2008
Plans are 109.99 and you get 10000000 minutes, 29.99 for texts, 24.99 for special rings, 55.99 for unlimited internet and gps, 1.00 per wallpaper. Again, you get the point...
Now when the wife is at the store on the phone none of my personal life is safe. The guy on line ahead of her knows that the dog pooped in the house and I did not clean it. The poor old lady trying to buy bread knows that after the summer we will be trying to have a baby. The young couple at the deli counter with their child has to come back because she gets into the "funny thing that happened in bed last night" and they dont want to spoil his innocence..
Well all of this just brings me back mentally to a better, more simple way of life that was a lot less invasive.... HUGE SIGH!!!!

Until next time!!!

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