Sunday, October 26, 2008

Local Pizza Shop

As Fabienne and I pondered the choices of food to have for dinner, we reverted to the not so original choice of local italian fare. While we waited for our dear friend Chris we gazed over the ever so familiar menu and tried to be creative in our ordering when reality set in, and we decided pizza would do it.
Chris showed up and off we went, a trip past the new home that we desperately want to move into already and then off to pizza shop. Long Island has to be the only place where every street corner plaza or strip mall has a pizza place, and they all have such jazzy names like; "Joes Pizza", "Italy's Finest" (forgetting the fact that this is NY not Italy), "Vinny's Pizza". I am not including the oh so authentic pizza made by dominoes or papa johns with owners like Sayeed and Rajid.
With the big glass window and green, red, and white sign atop this castle of flat bread that is tossed in the air by the typical italian Islander with the pen behind his ear lets us all know we have arrived. So we park the car, bundle up, and shuffle in with our stomaches screaming from what seemed like the longest 6 minute ride ever.
As we crossed the threshold of the fine eatery the smell of fresh pizza and the greasy handlers of this ancient baked art drownses our nasal passages. The glass counter glowed with specialty slices and other types of odd italian works of art. Pin wheels freshly rolled 27 hours ago, the salad slice with all the wilted lettuce atop a soggy triangle of dough, all grab our attention. The typical line drapes themselves over the counter like an art auction screaming the order to the guy with the pad of paper and pen in hand, all the while there is the guy with his pen tucked so neatly behind his left ear throwing wet dough up and spinning it till perfectly round off in the distance. When it was our turn we had this all figured out yet it still took a few minutes to get it right. We ordered and scooted to the side so the rest of cattle seeking out the same italian classic could scream their order over the counter and the cycle continues...
While we wait I notice another treat, Zeppolies, unbeknownst to either one of us that the guy behind the counter would say the closest thing to "pizza guy jargon".
"4 Zeps Guy!!!"
Holding back laughter and a slight eagerness to ask him to repeat it, I said that will do it. So I paid and off we went to enjoy our fresh slice of Italy....

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