Monday, October 27, 2008

Helping Hand....

Some of you may have noticed that help, at times, can be just as tedious as work. Today for instance I went to my in laws to walk the "Mule" that they call their dog.

Before I get to the point I want to say that I do love Lucy, and if she ever learns to read I will explain this to her. I am relatively confident that it will never come to fruition so... moving on.

As she peed when I entered, I was slightly pleased that half of my job was done without me even stepping foot inside. For anyone who knows this beast you know she is a bit timid and not to be messed with. She will by all means tear you up if she wanted to. Lucky for me she doesn't, so I fed her and prepared for what dismal task lied ahead.

She swallowed what seemed like a trough of food in mere seconds and started pacing around making that noise that says, "Take me out so I can make a BM!"

Well out I went, and off to the drop zone where my worst fears came to light. She whipped and wagged when all of the sudden, her back arched and tail puckered up and there it was.

I am confident that anyone who may have come over and seen this prize work of fecal art would have thought an elephant got away from the circus and stopped by to grace Birchwood with his presence.

The moral is that picking this up is only done for those who do things to help me....

p.s. I LEFT IT!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Fabienne said...

you can't leave poop in a "gated community with 2 pools..."