Sunday, October 26, 2008


Well here i am again to bore you with things that annoy me like country music.

While working, at the store, or pumping gas at what seems like the nightclub of gas stations, people seem to want to talk to me. I am not just talking about a "Hey, nice weather were having!", or "Can you believe these gas prices?". I am talking about a full blown conversation with the entire calamity of a Q&A session to follow the initial intro, "Do you come here often?".

Allow me to interject with a slight disclaimer to my wife, in laws, and parents alike, that I am not a big fan of this and ...... Wait a tick! What am I doing? I think we get where I was going with that!

Work is another place where, with the exception of the people who know who they are, everyone starts to talk to me and when the conversation should take a hiatus it does not. Take this morning for example. I was minding my own business when a conversation ensued. When I deemed the discourse to be over, I spun my chair around, answered a few flights, and went back to my mindless task of surfing the web. "Can you believe what happened to that girl on the news?" I hear form beyond the carefully placed partition that separates us working folk. I pressed on with my clicking around the internet assuming that by me turning around earlier, I had given the proper notice that I would no longer be a part of the current dialogue. "I just don't see how they don't catch these people! Hey Al! Have you seen this?", emanates from the other side of that worthless partition. As I peer around the corner, my disgust turns to a smile as I transform into a fake partner in the conversation that I already excused myself from. We exchanged a few one liners, quips, questions, and answers when flights started calling me. To my surprise and delectation, when I was finished dishing off my traffic to the unsuspecting people in the room, she was gone and the silent web surfing resumed.

When we are all involved in a conversation and reached that pinnacle of interest and want to graciously exit the verbal interaction, a simple nod or a sigh should do it. The people on the other end of this tug of rope should just take a hint already and not educe an idiomatic exchange of pointless dribble...

Hint Hint....

With that being said, I have some new web addresses to stare at in amusement.....


Fabienne said...

Haha...I know exactly what you are talking about! Very funny!

cwkemmerer said...

At least the questions aren't

"hey XXXX, who are you F*$#ing now?"

Lisa said...

haha this is soo true. I have to say I think i'm one of those people you are talking about!! The best is when you actually tell the person that you don't want to converse and they still keep trying!!!