Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What a Wiener!!!

From the title alone I can only assume that you are reading this due to some perverse notion that I was writing about something other than my dog. While you sigh in disappointment and decide whether to read on without the mere mention of a male genitalia, I will let you know this is all about my dog Charlie, the miniature daschund.

When looking for a dog we all search high and low for the breed that will satisfy all the requirements of any young couple preparing to begin having children. While we did to the best of our ability, every breeder or pet shop failed to mention the ever so important piece of information, that the dog is impervious to most house training methods. As any new pet owner, we smirk and almost smile when he goes "sissy", or "poops" in the house, just thinking that this is all a part of raising a puppy and he looks so adorable no matter what crass gift he has left.

With that being said, I will now invite you all to hear of the progress, or lack there of, that Charlie has made.

Lets fast forward now to about one year of age. With the hundred stains all over the hallway carpet it was difficult to spot new marking unless they were fresh, within an hour. The only one that was obvious was poop. For such a small dog you wouldn't believe what he can create back there. So barring a few minor incidences, Charlie was what we had considered to be a well trained dog that due to our work schedule, could not be too blame.
That theory would soon be proved to be a farce.

So as I bring you up to speed I want to tell you what a wonderful dog Charlie is. He has not one mean bone in his body and he is always a pleasure to have around. When people are around him he brings joy out in everyone. Picture it, a stout long dog that weighs 14 pounds and stands 3 inches off the ground. Not to mention the fact that he has an obsession with licking and will lick the skin off your face if you gave him the chance.

Moving on to the reason that I impart this story for all to read. Charlie is over a year and a half old and as of late he is regressing on his training. As you may or may not know, Fabi and I bought a house this month and as we pack up everything it is apparent that something is amiss in the apartment. I think the dog can feel it and Cody the cat is definitely showing signs that he noticed as well. I can come to this rational assumption because as I step over and around boxes and other items, I notice new stains that weren't there before we started to pack. And if that was not enough of a blatant clue, as I left for work the other night, I was greeted at the door while putting on my shoes with a stool sample that I could have done without.

In retrospect, I think we would have done a better job with this or the dog himself may have succumb to the training if we were not in the apartment. Now, we have a yard and a fence so he can be left out to roam and do his business for more than 5 minutes, and more frequently than he had in the past.

I try not to chalk this up to just being the most ill behaved dog in the world, and I will give him the benefit of the doubt and say it is a product of his environment or lack there of.

So stay tuned to find out what lies ahead for us and the wicked wiener.............


1 comment:

Fabienne said...

hahahaha....very funny and very true!! I am just praying the yard makes all the difference.