Monday, November 10, 2008

Couch Potato....

This will tickle the interest of any fun loving, lazy, and champion television buff. Whether married, single, divorced, or undecided, all of us television freaks can never get enough of this ancient distraction of life.

With that being said, I will try and divulge as much as I can about my wife's vexation with me and the bright illuminating device that hangs on the wall.

Hi, my name is Alan, I am 30 years old, and I'm a Tube-aholic.

It all began when I was younger and the TVs were bigger than most ovens. They involved the ever so illustrious rabbit ears for reception, tuning knobs that took two hands to turn, and big remote with four buttons on it. We would all gather around it on certain days of the week when shows like cheers and night rider were big. You never got to pick what to watch because of all the rooms in the house, this was the only one that got "cable". As the family would all gather to watch television, I slowly but surely moved my way up the ladder of remote command status.

By the time I was getting into my teens and everyone had their own TVs, I had a laundry list of programs that I watched. Being that I was still in school the programs were limited to what days they were on and at what time they aired. As my schedule freed up over the years, the list of shows grew longer.

I have noticed that no matter where I go and for whatever the occasion, I always manage to sneak in a few minutes of that forbidden visual delicacy.

With the invention and wide spread use of TIVO, I have only seen this obsession grow deeper. Now I feel like I need television to go to sleep, television to wake up, and more television to stay awake. Don't get me wrong, I do have other hobbies that I enjoy but this is the only habitual one.

This is where the wife comes in.

When she comes home I seem to always be on the couch watching, as I describe as, "the last five minutes of a movie!", or "the last 2 seconds of a show I tivo'ed!". Then for the rest of the evening I ask her if she is ready to watch some TV, as we have thirty shows set to TIVO during the week. I have to constantly remind her that the seasons are almost over and we have the entire off season to "hang out". We are working on this together!

So now that I have told you all of my dilemma, you can rest easy now knowing that you are not alone. There are many of us brain cell killing TV junkies out there just waiting for that new exciting program to add to our ever growing list of drool inducing shows!

Til next time......

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